Audi Lamas Toys Spider R8 Sport

sku: LT936
As low as €187.88
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Audi Lamas Toys Spider R8 Sport Electric car Audi R8 Sportiva, full optional with leather seats. Double engine, 12V battery, 3 speeds. reverse gear. Equipped with real shock absorbers to adapt to any type of surface and large duties with central non -slip rubber. Remote control with soft departure. No risk of interference by other radio controls and no signal loss. 2 engines, 12 volts Leather seat March back and forth 2.4 GHz remote control with 3 speed selector Security belt Lights and sounds, USB input Operable doors LED headlights and sounds, Easy Go mounting system Size: 107 x 58 x 48 cm

Codici Ean: 0735720236186, 0735720236148, 0735720236179, 0735720236155, 0735720236162


11 Kg
Child weight
26 kg
Age range
3 Years +