Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced 2020 Mixer

sku: FRP0046 | ean: 1230000046015
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The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced mixer automatically create a bottle of hot milk instantly. The patented mixing technology automatically mixes in powder and water for a perfect consistency. fully customizable mixing system (3 temperature settings, 1 oz delivery between 2-10 oz) It works practically with all the mixed milk brands and all types of bottles. Easy to configure and use with all digital controls. Conservation of the hermetic formula. Removable water tank, washable in dishwasher. Elegant design. product dimensions: 26 x 37.5 x 45.7 cm Product weight: 3.8kg


5 Kg
LOGISTICA Piazza del Carmine, 204 - 80133 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available
Capannone Via Giovanni Lombardi 25, 80141 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available
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