Chicco Baby Bottle Gift Set Natural Feeling Baby Girl

sku: 983701614 | ean: 8058664153671
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The Chicco NaturalFeeling Gift Set is the ideal gift for newborns.

Angled teat ideal for newborns

The angled teat and the wide breast-shaped shape support the natural cradle hold of breastfeeding and is ideal for mixed breastfeeding. Anti-colic bottle

The double anti-colic valve prevents the ingestion of air and helps reduce spitting up and colic.

The teat always remains full of milk to prevent the ingestion of air.

Supports the comfortable position and natural latch for newborns

100% Soft Sense hygienic silicone

The 100% Soft Sense hygienic silicone teat gives a familiar sensation and a natural hold.

Physio Forma Comfort Pacifier 0-6M

The exclusive shape helps position the tongue forward to help keep the airways open:

PhysioForma supports physiological breathing and promotes correct mouth development.

Extra ergonomic shape. In 100% Soft Sense hygienic silicone.


The set contains:

2 Natural Feeling bottles
1 150 ml slow flow and
1 250 ml medium flow
1 Physio Forma Comfort pacifier 0-6 months for comfortable sucking.


2 Kg
CASORIA NEGOZIO Via Armando Diaz, 68 - 80026 - Casoria (NA), +39 08119177729 available