Formula Pro Mini Mixer BabyBrezza

sku: FRP0079 | ean: 1230000046367-1230000046602
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Formula Pro Mini Mixer BabyBrezza


The first compact infant formula dispenser that automatically and instantly prepares a warm bottle


  • Same mixing technology patented in the number 1 selling Formula Pro Advanced
  • 30% smaller than the Formula Pro Advanced: perfect size for travel or simply for smaller spaces.
  • Delivers 60-300ml of formula at body temperature to a perfect consistency
  • Works with all brands of formula and all brands/types of bottles (tall bottles, typically larger than 270ml require a stand sold separately. Buy here)
  • Faster, more precise and more hygienic than the traditional manual method
  • Easy to set up and use with all digital controls
  • Removable and dishwasher safe water tank



3 Kg
LOGISTICA Piazza del Carmine, 204 - 80133 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available
Capannone Via Giovanni Lombardi 25, 80141 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available
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