Italbaby Organic Cotton Pillow Bed cm 38x58x5h

sku: 020.3500- | ean: 8022788283576
Bio-Cotton Italbaby Latin guanciale The Bio Cotton cousin cushion, thanks to the hypoallergenic elasticized fabric & ldquo; Organic Cotton & Rdquo; uses pure organic organic cotton fiber, produced in certified crops without l & rsquo; use of synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and phytopharmacies. The natural based hypoallergenic treatment guarantees excellent hygienic conditions over time, in addition, & egrave; washing resistant. The particular processing of cotton allows a low impact on the environment. For the production of organic cotton, organic production systems are used to fertilize the soil, eliminating the use of chemical, toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers in cotton itself and in the environment. characteristics: Organic cotton Ecological breathable polyester Thermossensitive hypoallergenic hygienic External fabric: 38%Orgco-62%Poly Padding: 100% Polyester made in Italy


1 Kg