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Medela Swing Flex Electric Breast Pump

sku: 101033873 | ean: 7612367054829
Special Price €129.00 Regular Price €179.00
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Electric Tiralatte Swing Flex Medela Swing is the smaller and light and light Single Electric Tiralatte equipped with 2-Phase Expression technology. Place the swing tiralatte on a table, attach it with the clip to the pocket or belt or hang it with the shoulder shoulder strap or shoulder to have it in the position you think most comfortable and practical. efficient and comfortable with a small and powerful engine. Enter a bag and can work on battery. Science and Nature in perfect harmony: 2-Phase Expression technology imitates the sucking of the child.


1 Kg
Age range
White & Yellow
LOGISTICA Piazza del Carmine, 204 - 80133 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available
204 - GUGLIELMO Piazza del Carmine, 204 - 80133 - Napoli, +39 0815540389 available
Capannone Via Giovanni Lombardi 25, 80141 - Napoli, +39 08118181128 available