Peg Perego Viaggio 1-2-3 Via Car Seat - Crystal Black

sku: IMVA000035DP53DX13 | ean: 8005475374368
Auto PEG PEREGO SECRET SEAT 1-2-3 via-Crystal Black The Auto PEG PERGOGO SEAT 1-2-3 via-Crystal Black is able to satisfy the expectations of the most demanding parents > The isofix car seat and top tether with double approval: 1 - 12 years (9 - 36 kg). The 1-2-3 via road seat has been specially designed for cars equipped with Isofix and Top Tether hooks. Travel 1-2-3 via guarantees security in all sensitive points of the body. Double homologation.


Peg Perego
12 Kg
Age range
9 Months - 12 Years


Min/max child weight
9 - 36 kg
o paga a rate senza interessi