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Video Monitor Babymoov Yoo Roll

sku: A014431 | ean: 3661276184329
Special Price €110.00 Regular Price €129.90
The camera and screen of this baby monitor run on rechargeable batteries. Place them wherever you want in your child's bedroom. TIME SAVING AND SIMPLICITY: This baby monitor is delivered ready for use (camera and screen are already connected). The menu is very intuitive (lullabies, walkie talkie, volume, alarms, brightness...). ENERGY SAVING: The sleep technology present in this baby monitor reduces its energy consumption. It goes on standby when your baby sleeps and does not emit waves. It is reactivated as soon as the child wakes up. 3.5" SCREEN: This baby monitor is equipped with a quality 7.6 cm infrared screen. The camera integrates a x2 Zoom. LIFETIME WARRANTY: Babymoov provides a lifetime warranty on this product (registration within 2 months on Babymoov.it).It is also repairable in case of problems, to extend its lifespan.


3 Kg
Chamomile Lawn Woodchuck